If you have some extra funds, a Certificate Account is an easy way to get your money working for you. Similar to a CD, our Certificate Accounts offer highly competitive rates by locking your deposit into a fixed term ranging from 3 to 60 months. All you need to do is choose the term and rate that work best for you, then sit back and watch your earnings rise. When the term is up, you get your deposit back plus all of the dividends you’ve earned with your excellent rate. You can transfer the funds into a liquid account, or you can choose to rollover into a new Certificate Account to keep earning more dividends!1
Dividends are compounded daily and credited monthly.
Choose the rate and term that best meets your financial goals.
Check back for special rates1, available for a limited time!
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends are calculated and compounded daily and credited monthly on the last calendar day of the month. The APY for all accounts is based on an assumption that dividends will remain in the account until maturity (or one year). Early withdrawal will reduce earnings. These accounts are subject to early withdrawal fees and other conditions which are detailed in our Truth in Savings Disclosure and Membership Agreement, Certificate Account Disclosure, and Fees and Service Charges Schedule. Rates accurate as of November 24, 2023.
1At maturity, Certificates will automatically rollover into a Certificate of the same term at the current fixed rate unless members change their selection. At maturity, Certificates that are marked as specials will automatically rollover to a Certificate of the same term at the current fixed rate. Members can change this selection any time before maturity. USALLIANCE also provides a 7-day grace period after maturity for members to alter their rollover choice.